What's new in Dataflow 16.4

Release 16.4 Update 5 (version 16.4.5)

Hierarchy tool 'Complex Attachment Loader'

The 'beta release' tool 'Import attachments and map data' has been upgraded to full release status and renamed. See Complex Attachment Loader.

New optional configuration 'Run Reports Independently' for Dataflow Reporting

New optional configuration for the processing of multiple report generation requests submitted by a user to be run as independent server jobs (one job per report). The configuration is controlled by a new Dataflow application server setting ‘RunReportsIndependently’, which can be modified by the IPS Administrator. It applies to the generation of all Document reports, Multi-Dataset reports, and Reserves reports. See Run Reports Independently setting.

Node Type filtering for Reserves Reports

Node Type filtering has been added, see Report properties. Note: the corresponding Document Type filtering for Document Reports is available in all PlanningSpace 16.4 releases.

Release 16.4 Update 4 (version 16.4.4)

Data Batching tool

Improved progress indicator which now reports on the progressive completion of the batches, and in each batch the number of items processed so far from the total number.

Release 16.4 (version 16.4.0)

Configuration workspace replaces Administration

Configuration for Dataflow is now performed in a Configuration workspace inside the Dataflow module.

Currency settings at Variable level

Within the Document Template, currency and real/nominal settings can now be specified at a Variable level.

'Unlink Type Wells' hierarchy tool

Links to wells in Decline can now be removed from multiple documents in a single operation using the 'Unlink Type Wells' hierarchy tool.

LASTNONZERODATE for Time Series variables

A new expression LASTNONZERODATE has been added that will search a Time Series Variable and return the date of the last non-zero period.

Node Type filtering for revisions tag tools

The apply and remove revisions tag tools now allow a user to filter the list of Documents to act upon by specifying one or more Document Node Types.

Working Interest variables in the Data Propagator tool

Variables with a Data Type of Working Interest can now be propagated throughout the Document hierarchy using the Data Propagator tool.

Spreadsheet type variables cannot be created

Variables with a data type of 'Spreadsheet' can no longer be created. Existing variables will continue to function as expected, as will the associated expressions such as GETWORKBOOKDATA.

Audit log for tag type configuration

Configuration of all tag types is now captured in the Audit log.

Changes to the Load from Database tool

  • The tool now creates a separate index per import batch when updating documents using the 'Update document using unique identifier' option.
  • Working Interest can now be loaded on a category basis.
  • Documents can now be created with a specific start year and month.
  • A user can now include and exclude Batch Imports within a Batch Import Setting.
  • Connection to a data source is automatic when opening the Mapping Template.
  • Improved error handling and overall responsiveness when mapping Variables to Columns.
  • The list of variables for mapping can be restricted by node type.
  • Ability to set a revision tag.
  • Added buttons for expanding and collapsing the hierarchy view.
  • Query Preview dialog can have a restricted number of rows.

Variable To Range Mappings tool

The Workbook Generator Administration Tool has been renamed to Variable To Range Mappings and is now included as a tool in the Dataflow Configuration workspace. (It supports the PlanningSpace Data Connector add-in for Excel.)

Data Utility user interface

In the Data Utility, a user is now given feedback when importing values (a loading animation is displayed).

Node Filtering in Reporting

The report creator can select the subset of nodes that will return data for a given report. This is shown to the user of the report when they set up the report run. This offers significant reductions in report size, the size of intermediate data sets, and the time taken to build a report.

Background reporting jobs and Retrieve Reports function

Users can set reports to run, close their session, and retrieve the reports at the next login.

Task notification for Reporting

Reports show in the Task Tray when queued.

Working Interest in Reporting

Working Interest variables can now be included in reports.